Jeanine Johnson (hl7263)

University information

Department: Liberal Arts & Sciences

Contact information

Student information

Major: Psychology

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences



Title: Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology

Jeanine is a second-year doctoral student in clinical psychology working with Dr. Ty Partridge. Her research focuses on sociocultural mechanisms of resilience following trauma, particularly among marginalized communities exposed to violence, such as forced migrants. She prioritizes community-based participatory research, and she aims to apply psychological science to the development of public policies and programs that prevent violence, reduce systemic inequality, and promote psychosocial wellbeing.

Education – Degrees, Licenses, Certifications: B.A., Psychology, Asbury University
Jeanine Johnson

Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute


Jeanine is a second-year doctoral student in clinical psychology working with Dr. Ty Partridge. Her research focuses on sociocultural mechanisms of resilience following trauma, particularly among marginalized communities exposed to violence, such as forced migrants. She prioritizes community-based participatory research, and she aims to apply psychological science to the development of public policies and programs that prevent violence, reduce systemic inequality, and promote psychosocial wellbeing. 


 B.A., Psychology, Asbury University

Title: Doctoral Student, Clinical Psychology
Jeanine Johnson

Courses taught by Jeanine Johnson

Spring-Summer Term 2024 (current)

Spring-Summer Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

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