Exercise and Sport Science (BS)

What is Exercise and Sport Science? 

Leap into an active and invigorating career with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science from Wayne State University. You'll study human health and development in our science-based curriculum, and you'll apply that knowledge to sport, fitness, human movement systems, and other areas of kinesiology. The Sport and Exercise Science major readies you for graduate study and leads you to a rewarding career dedicated to improving human performance and wellness.

What can I do with an Exercise and Sport Science Degree?

Drive toward a hands-on, active career in exercise and sport science. The BS in Exercise and Sport Science program prepares you for graduate programs like physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), physician assistant (PA), exercise physiology, and more. With a multi-dimensional understanding of human bodies and a deep commitment to wellness, you'll contribute to the health of individuals and communities in roles like:

Corporate wellness coach Fitness sales representative Group exercise and fitness instructor
Exercise physiologist Strength and conditioning coach Sports administrator
Cardiac rehabilitation therapist Personal trainer Sports coach

 Schoolcraft College Associate degree options

Recommended degree program: Physical Education Movement Science (AAS) 

 Schoolcraft College 

Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) Satisfies Wayne State University's General Education Requirements

Goal/Area of study Schoolcraft College Course Credits WSU Equivalent
English Composition ENG 101 English Composition I 3 ENG 1020
  ENG 102 English Composition II 3 ENG 3010
Humanities/Fine Arts
See MTA; approved Humanities/Fine Arts
(COMA 103 recommended)
See advisor
(COM 1010)
  See MTA; approved Humanities/Fine Arts 2-3 See advisor
Mathematics See MTA; approved Mathematics 4 See advisor
Natural Sciences BIOL 120 Principles of Biology I 5 BIO 1510/1511
  PHYS 123 Applied Physics 5 PHY 1020
Social Sciences PSYCH 201 Intro to Psychology 4 PSY 1020
  See MTA; approved Social Science (non-PSYCH course) 3 See advisor

Exercise and Sport Science Pathway Courses

BIOL 236 Anatomy and Physiological
(BIO 237 and 238 also acceptable)


BIO 2870
  BIOL 115 Nutrition 3 NFS 2030
  BUS 101 Intro to Business 3 BA 2020
  CHEM 111 General Chemistry I 4 CHM 1070
  PE 121 First Aid and Personal Safety 2 LFA 2330
  PE 225 Motor Development 3 KIN 3400
  Any 6 PE credits 6 LFA 1XXX
  Total Credits 58-59  
Transfer Credit Summary Credits
Pathway and Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) 58-59
Associate degree requirements and additional electives *
-See advisor for course recommendations based on associate degree requirements, educational interests, and career goals.
Total Transfer Credits 61-76


  • The range of credit hours (Associate degree requirements and additional electives) allows for earning credentials, such as certificates, or additional transfer credit while completing an associate degree. Some course(s) not included in the pathway may satisfy Wayne State requirements. 
  • The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), Associate in Arts (AA), or Associate in Science (AS) satisfies Wayne State’s University General Education requirements.
  • Any courses not completed can be taken at WSU. 
  • All courses and equivalencies based on catalog year 2024-2025


College of Education, Bachelor of Science (BS) in Exercise and Sport Science Credit Hours
KHS 1000 Contemporary Issues in Sport 3
KIN 3000 Professional Perspectives in KIN 3
KIN 3540 Cultural Foundations of Kinesiology 3
HE 3500 Human Disease 3
KIN 3550 Motor Learning and Control 3

KIN 5523 Physical Activity and Exercise Psychology

      or KIN 5520 Sport Psychology

KIN 3580 Biomechanics 3
KIN 6300 Exercise Physiology I 3

KIN 6100 Methods of Group Training

      or KIN 6120 Strength and Conditioning

KIN 6320 Fitness Assessment/Prescription 3
KIN 5350 Exercise Science Internship 4
KIN Elective (see WSU advisor) 10
Total Credits  44


Wayne State credit summary Credit
Major 44

Wayne State electives and/or additional degree enhancements (see WSU advisor)


Primary contacts

  Schoolcraft College   Schoolcraft College
     Academic Advising
     734-462-4429 | eadvise@schoolcraft.edu


Transfer Student Success Center
313-577-2487 | transfer@wayne.edu
College of Education
313-577-1620 | Academic Advisors  



  • You can review how all courses transfer using the course equivalency tool. For a self-service, customized WSU degree audit, please visit https://wayne.edu/transfer/tess
  • Wayne State requires a minimum of 30 credits in residency.
  • The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer).  See transfer credit guidelines
  • All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit. Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at the community college will need to be taken at WSU. 
  • The pathway was signed on June 15, 2023. 
  • These pathways do not replace the importance of academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion.

Career insights

This tool provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills, or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles.