Law (BA)
What is Law?
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Law provides a distinctive, interdisciplinary program for those with an interest in law. Students will emerge with a strong foundation in law, critical thinking and writing, ethics, political and legal theory, and legal and justice systems that will make them competitive for innovative and emerging employment opportunities in a variety of fields and industries or for pursuing graduate studies. Moreover, this program will build on the distinctive training associated with law school combined with the expertise of Wayne State's liberal arts programs to promote informed, well-rounded, and civic-minded undergraduates who will be well-prepared to be the leaders of the future.
What can I do with a Law Degree?
There are numerous careers for which formal legal education is beneficial, but for which a J.D. is not required. These career opportunities are in all levels of federal, state and local governments, business, compliance, insurance, law enforcement and many legal or civically engaged organizations. Successful graduates of the program will develop a "skill toolkit" that will differentiate them and will make them competitive for innovative and emerging employment opportunities in a variety of fields and industries or for pursuing graduate studies.
Schoolcraft College Associate degree options
- Associate of Arts (AA)
- Associate of Science (AS)
- Associate of General Studies (AGS)
- Other degree programs are possible but may exceed 120 total credits.
Recommended degree program: Associate of Arts (AA)
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) - Satisfies Wayne State University's General Education Requirements
Goal/Area of study | Schoolcraft College Course | Credits | WSU Equivalent |
English Composition | ENG 101 English Composition I | 3 | ENG 1020 |
ENG 102 English Composition II | 3 | ENG 3010 | |
Humanities/Fine Arts | *Foreign Language (ARB 101, CHIN 101, FR 101, GER 101, ITAL 101 or SPAN 101) | 4 | 1 of 2 Foreign Language |
PHIL 247 Logic | 3 | PHI 1050 | |
Mathematics | See MTA; approved Mathematics | 4 | See advisor |
Natural Sciences | See MTA; approved natural science | 3 | See advisor |
See MTA; approved natural science with lab | 4 | See advisor | |
Social Sciences | POLS 105 American Government | 3 | PS 1010 |
See MTA; approved Social Science (non-POLS course) | 3 | See advisor | |
Law Pathway Courses | Choose two (2) of the following Skills courses
| 6 | ENG 3050, PHI 1110, PHI 2320 |
Choose two (2) of the following Elective courses
| 6 | BLW 2510, CRJ 1010, PS 3070, PS 2710 | |
*Foreign Language (ARB 102, CHIN 102, FR 102, GER 102, ITAL 102 or SPAN 102) | 4 | 2 of 2 Foreign Language | |
Total Credits | 46 |
*All students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must successfully demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to the two course sequence in a single foreign language. Proficiency is demonstrated by completing courses numbered 1010 and 1020 in one of the following subject area codes: ARB, ARM, CHI, FRE, GER, GKA, GKM, HEB, ITA, JPN, LAT, POL, RUS, SPA, SWA, and UKR.
Transfer Credit Summary | Credits |
Pathway and Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) | 46 |
Associate degree requirements and additional electives * -See advisor for course recommendations based on associate degree requirements, educational interests, and career goals. | 14-18 |
Total Transfer Credits | 60-64 |
- The range of credit hours (Associate degree requirements and additional electives) allows for earning credentials, such as certificates, or additional transfer credit while completing an associate degree. Some course(s) not included in the pathway may satisfy Wayne State requirements.
- The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), Associate in Arts (AA), or Associate in Science (AS) satisfies Wayne State’s University General Education requirements.
- Any courses not completed can be taken at WSU.
- All courses and equivalencies based on catalog year 2024-2025
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Law | Credit Hours |
Required LEX Courses -Students must have junior status to enroll in LEX courses | 15 |
LEX 5000 Law in Social Context | 3 |
LEX 5010 Law and Harm | 3 |
LEX 5020 Legal Procedure | 3 |
LEX 5030 Law and Transactions | 3 |
LEX 5100 Law and Regulation | 3 |
Choose two (2) of the following courses: | 6-8 |
CRJ/PS 3120 Politics of the Criminal Justice Process | |
PHI 2330 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy | |
PHI 2390 Philosophy of Human Rights | |
PHI 3270 Foundations of Law | |
PS 3520 Theories of Justice | |
PS 3530 Great Political Thinkers I | |
PS 3540 Great Political Thinkers II | |
PS 5850 Human Rights | |
Choose one (1) of the following courses: | 3-4 |
CRJ 3700 The Judicial Process | |
CRJ 4740 Constitutional Criminal Procedure | |
PS 3040 The Legislative Process | |
PS 3100 American Legal Systems and Processes | |
PS 4710 Democracy | |
PS 5110 Constitutional Law | |
PS 5120 Constitutional Rights and Liberties | |
PS 5820 International Law | |
Minor (CLAS requirement; see WSU advisor) | 18-24 |
Total Credits | 42-51 |
Wayne State credit summary | Credit |
Major | 42-51 |
Wayne State electives and/or additional degree enhancements (see WSU advisor)
| 5-18 |
Primary contacts
Schoolcraft College
Academic Advising
734-462-4429 |
Transfer Student Success Center
313-577-2487 |
- You can review how all courses transfer using the course equivalency tool. For a self-service, customized WSU degree audit, please visit
- Wayne State requires a minimum of 30 credits in residency.
- The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer). See transfer credit guidelines.
- All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit. Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at the community college will need to be taken at WSU.
- The pathway was signed on June 15, 2023.
- These pathways do not replace the importance of academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion.