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Jada Slayton

Jada Slayton

Transfer Student Ambassador


Jada Slayton

Office Address

Transfer Student Success Center

Undergraduate Library (UGL)
Transfer Student Lounge, Room 1150


Major: Criminal Justice

Transferred from: Central Michigan University

Tips for transfer students:

Familiarize yourself with your new campus, including the layout and the various resources available to you. Work closely with your admissions and registrar’s offices to evaluate your transfer credits. Keep yourself updated on meetings with your academic advisor to discuss any academic goals and to ensure yourself that you’re on the right track. Lastly, get involved! If available, join student clubs or organizations to meet new people.

Why did you choose WSU?

I chose Wayne State because it’s recognized for several reasons that could contribute to my future. Wayne offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. There are numerous ways that I can excel here at Wayne. Currently, I’m a Criminal Justice major and the Criminal Justice department is very dependable. The CRJ department offers opportunities for field experience, internships, etc. My mother also studied here at Wayne for 2 years.

Favorite place on campus:

My favorite place is the Student Center because I get to see and meet different people each time that I’m there. The Student Center also offers various food choices!

Fun fact:

I’m good at volleyball and roller skating.

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