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Melanie Davis

Melanie Davis

Transfer Student Ambassador


Melanie Davis

Office Address

 Transfer Student Success Center

Undergraduate Library (UGL)
Transfer Student Lounge, Room 1150


Major: Psychology major, Dance minor

Transferred from: Oakland University

Tips for transfer students:
Spend time looking over which courses you've taken that can transfer over. Check to see if you have any syllabi saved in case a certain class or a few don't transfer.

Why did you choose WSU?
Before applying, I was a part of a service program called AmeriCorps Urban Safety located on the campus. I told myself it would be a great idea to take classes here as well and be close to home.

Favorite place on campus:
I enjoy getting work done and having study time in Purdy/Kresge Library.

Fun fact:
I enjoy working out, painting, and journaling!

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