Student Accounts Receivable

Welcome to the Student Accounts Receivable Office (SAR) at Wayne State University. We are located on the fourth floor of the Welcome Center. SAR is responsible for addressing students' questions and concerns related to their student account activity and collecting outstanding tuition and/or loan balances.

The tuition receivable unit of SAR responds to inquiries regarding student account balances and refunds. They also prepare tuition statements, generate 1098-T tax forms and issue student account bills.

Vouchers from companies contracting with the university for billing of student fees are submitted and processed by this unit of SAR. To participate in this program, the company must have a signed contract with the university. Vouchers must be submitted by the payment due date for the semester and no later than the last day of the semester.

The loan receivable unit is responsible for maintaining student accounts relating to federal and university loan programs. Staff conducts exit interviews for federal loans and processes deferment, cancellations, residency, forbearance, and disability applications. Forms are displayed in the Forms section of this website.

Contact information

To contact SAR, you may email us at, or call (313) 577-3653.  Our regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9:00am 5:00pm.